Organic Coconut Oil Benefits:
1. Balances
2. Gives
you instant energy
3. Raises
good and lowers bad cholesterol
4. Support
healthy thyroid function
5. Strengthens
the immune system
6. Helps
keep your skin smooth, youthful and healthy looking
7. Protect
your body from disease
The benefits of
coconut oil can be felt in many areas of the body, inside and out. Internally,
its antioxidants help the immune system by fighting off bacteria, viruses,
yeast, candida, and fungus. It can increase good cholesterol levels, improve
the ratio of good and bad cholesterol, and lower the level of bad cholesterol.
As far as management of weight, coconut oil can increase the energy and
metabolism, and encourage to breakdown of stubborn abdominal fats. In addition
to these benefits, Envy Zens Coconut Oil can improve hormone balances and
thyroid health. Outside of the body, coconut oil benefits the hair, skin, and nails
because it is full of Vitamin E. Vitamin E are both a moisturizer and
Envy Zen Coconut
Oil is pressed from the dried flesh of the fruit from the coconut tree. During
the manufacturing process, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is not exposed to chemical
solvents or high temperatures. This allows it to retain its chemical
composition, including the medium chain triglycerides that give it many of its
benefits. The ingredients of Envy Zen Coconut Oil are 100% natural. It features
a soft gel cap composed of glycerin, gelatin, purified water, and carob. Its
internal contents are 100% organic, expeller-pressed extra-virgin coconut oil.
#generalhealth #health #OrganicCoconut #CoconutOil #energy #thyroidfunction #immunesystem
#body #metabolism #ingredients #natural #supplements
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