Friday, September 28, 2018

Probiotic 40 Billion CFU 60 caps

Envy Zens Probiotics 40 Billion is a blend of 4 strains (40 billion organisms) of Probiotic Bacteria. Our Probiotic supplement is designed to provide a high potency and balance of beneficial bacteria. By taking this product on a regular basis Probiotic-40 can help assist in maintaining healthy intestinal flora. This supplement also contains FOS to help with healthy growth of acidophilus and bifidus organisms.

Probiotic-40 ingredients:

·         Lactobacillus acidophilus
– Acidophilus in naturally found in the intestinal tract and this helps aid in maintaining the intestinal flora.
·         Bifidobacterium Lactis
– Bifidobacterium is known for its ability to stimulate the body’s immune response and enhance the cellular immunity in the elderly.
·         Lactobcillus Plantarum
–This is one of the most beneficial bacteria in your body. Lactobcillus plantarum is known for its health benefits in digestive support and supporting healthy cholesterol.
·         Lactobacillus Paracasei
–known for helping treat diarrhea in infants, helps reduce pollen allergies and some people have reported relief of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

What are Probiotics

Probiotics as whole are designed to help with a range of problems involving the gut from Constipation to diarrhea, and have even been said to help prevent colds or help fight them off. The key to reaping the benefits of probiotics is to make sure you are taking a product that has actual live organism in it by the time it reaches you. There are a couple processes to achieve this, one being fridge storage of your probiotics the other and most common is to put enough in there that the desired amount will still be in the capsules by the expiration date. Envy Zen goes through both of these processes to ensure the most quality product for the longest time with a starting amount of 20 billion combination of the above listed probiotics
#envyzen #health #generalhealth #probiotic #supplement #product 

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